Puerto rico gay flag

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Various sports associations in Puerto Rico have adopted flags which represent them and which are used during competitions and other sport events. These political party flags are usually displayed in public during political rallies, meetings, or parades in a show of political strength and unity.

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Most of the political parties in Puerto Rico also have their own flags, which represent and symbolize the political ideals of its members. The most commonly used flags of Puerto Rico are the current flag, which represents the people of the commonwealth of Puerto Rico municipal flags, which represent the 78 municipalities of the archipelago political flags, which represent the different political beliefs of the people and sports flags, which identify Puerto Rico as the country represented by its athletics during competitions.Įach of the 78 municipalities of Puerto Rico has adopted flags which represent the municipality and its people, employing designs that oftentimes derive their symbolism from the municipality's coat of arms. These flags represent and symbolize Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rican people.

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This is a list of the flags of Puerto Rico.

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